Friday, February 27, 2009

Coming Across a Feminist

While typing my paper this week, I came across an interesting book, written by Alice Walker.

A self-acclaimed feminist and womanist, Walker won a Pulitzer Prize for her work on the fictional writing, The Color Purple.

The book I picked up at Borders was, In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983)

It is a series of essasys similar to Douglas' book, Where the Girls Are. However, the only difference is that Walker's book goes into detail about women's sufferage, feminisim and the civil rights movement on the African American female side.
It was good to see the other side of spectrum. While Susan Douglas' explained her life as white female growing up during feminist movement of the past 50 years, Walker explained the African American side of growing up female the past 50 years.
Walker is an avid poet, who installs some poetry into the, In Search of Our Monthers' Gardens: Womanist Prose.
If interested I added a clip of one of Walker's poems....called "Not with a bang. But with a whimper," from her speech at the Evening of Conscience in San Fransisco, October 2, 2006...
Click on the link bellow and enjoy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sick at home, talking about last class...

With the recent Chimp mauling in Connecticut, in which the owner of the chimpanzee and her friend were brutally attacked. The chimp was shot twice by police officers, who showed up at the scene.

A cartoonist from the New York Post, decided to run with the age-old idea of comparing a chimp to an African American.

The cartoon shows two police officers standing over the chimp's body: "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill," one officer says.

Referring to President Obama, this cartoon has struck anger and hatred from all races of the Upper East Coast calling for the jobs of several men at the New York Post...

My question is:
Why after all these years, is a cartoon portraying a chimp to a black person still happening?


Should the cartoonist & editors of the New York Post get fired?

My awnser is the whole chimp thing-comparing it to a black person, should stop! & should have stoped along time ago!


Yes, the staff that okay'd it to be printed should be fired...including the cartoonist...

After this cartoon was published, several well-known businesses in the New York area, pulled their advertisements from the paper, expressing protest.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Advertising for a TV Show????

This week we talked about advertisements and how they influence us to buy stuff!

Whats tough about this is I have come across something that kinda irritates me...

Tonight I read an article about the famous lady, "OctoMom"

Nadya Suleman, famous for pumping out 8 little individuals this past week has been heavily under fire for her remarks she made on a national TV broadcast and her new website...

Whats surprising is her appetite for the spotlight...Having no money & no job, she has created a website to make money (donations) to help support her and her now 14 children...

There's been talk, her aim is to be on TV...What's sad and wrong is she's using all this publicity to form a pilot, in which she hopes to get her and her own children a TV show...

Whats even more shocking, she is unemployed and has used the government to help support her allready large family... With just days after her pregnancy, there is global wonderment on how she will pay for the medical bills?
Through Our Donations!
There has been amazment circulating about her lips...Considering famous large family mother/actress, Angelina Jolie as her idol...After the sixth child, from her previous births...she decided to get cosmetic surgery and put collagen fat put into her lips...
Through artificially insemination, Nadya has been on record for saying, "I consider having more babies."
However, I consider she should get a job first!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Bra...& Watcing it Burn!

Our discussion this week about Douglas' book struck me as somewhat interesting...

In the past few days, I have recently seen several instances of burning of the bra's...

The other day I was waiting in line at Harmon's buying some needful things *laundry detergent, Diet Pepsi & toothpaste*

A lady had 3 kids on her cart...In all honesty, it looked exactly like a truck full of militants/Islamic militia men from Palestine...One was hanging out the side....the other was sitting in the child seat facing the mother...and the other was jumping up and down on the random stuff in the cart, itself...

She had her hands full...With a deep breath and her eye's bulging out of her head...She stared at the groceries slowly moving on the conveyer belt, in which she was about to purchase...

The register lady had to chuckle...She asked one simple question, "How do you keep up?"

The lady replied, "It's a marathon when your a single mother!"

She then chuckled out loud and said, "These three I can handle, but my ex-husband heck-no!"

The register lady jokingly said, "I know your feeling!"

& they both talked excessively about their ex-husbands by agreeing, they are better off without them...

Another instance was on Monday....I was hanging out with my daughter and I called her my baby...

She responded, "No I am not a baby, I am a woman"

I wonder....because throughout my life, I could understand woman and why they rebell to either be free from men or their past...but what I didn't know is how it all came to start...

In Douglas' book I have come to understand the beginnings of the woman's movement...While some people I know in class hate this book....I find it rather understand the hardships and struggles of women the past 50 years....